You can find more information or download the latest version of Pantheon here.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Pantheon 8.672 has been released

This release brings you Commodore VIC20 emulator and 190 games for this device: 17+4, 3D Maze, 3D Silicon Fish, A-B-C Legen, Abductor, Alphabet Zoo, AntiISDA Warrior, Ape Escape, Asteroids, Asteroiders, Astroshy, Avoid Meteorites, Bank Robber, Battlefield, Black Jack, Blackjack, Blitz, Bomb Scare, Bomber, Break-Out!, Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom, Canyon Runner, Car Drive, Centipod, Checkers, Choplifter, Cosmic Snake, Cosmonaut, Critters, Cupid's Arrow, Death House, Death Race, Derby Dash, Digger, Dodgems, Dragonfire, Earth Defense, Eliza, Emmet Attack, English Invaders, Exchange, Fantazia, Fast Eddie, Flesh Eaters, Formel 1, Formula 1, Frog, Frogger, Funkey Monkey, Galactic Abductors, Galactic Blitz, Galactic Defender, Galactic Defender!, Ghost, Gobang, Gridrunner, Gunfight, Hangman, Hardhat Climber, Helikopter, Hell Driver, Hidden Maze, Houses, Huerdenlauf, Hydro Blast, Inkaschatz, Interlox, Invade, Invader Fall, Jackpot, Jawbreaker II, Jet Flight, Jetpac, Jupiter Defender, Kaylon, Kids on Keys, Knight Out, Krell, League Soccer, Letter Attack, Lighthouse, Line Up 4, Lode Runner, Lucy Lizard, Mad Drivers, MasterType, Maths Maze, Meteor Maze, Minefield, Minefield!, Miner 2049er, Missile Command, Mower Mania, Motorway, Munch Man, Munchmaid!, New York Blitz, Night Crawler, Noughts & Crosses, Noughts and Crosses, Number Crunch, Obstakel, One Armed Bandit, Orbis, Othello, Pac-Man, Perils of Willy, Pixie Add, Pixie Bump, Pixie Count, Pixie Maze, Pixie Steps, Pixie Words, Pit, Planetoids, Pong, Potholes, Puckman, Q-bert, Quatrainment, Quest, Rabbit Blitz, Race Track, Reactoid, Rescue at Rigel, Rhino, Road Race, Road Racer, Rockman, Rubik's Cube, Safe, Schieten, Scram 20, Sea Hunt, Sentinel 1, Shark Attack, Simon, Sir Hero, Skull Castle, Snake Bite, Snake Pit, Soccer, Space Invaders, Space Panic, Space Search, Star Chaser, Star Falls, Starbase, Strip 'em, Super Amok, Super Breakout, Super Hi-Low, Tank Gunner, Tank vs. UFO, Terminal Invaders, Tetris, The Dungeons, The Q-bert, The Secret of Bastow Manor, The Sorcerer and the Princess, Thin Ice, Thinking Harder, Tic-Tac-Toe, Trap, Trenchfire, Tunnel Run, Turmoil, Tutankham, Type Attack, UFO, Ultimate Tank, Ultra Breakout, Undermine, UXB, VIC 21, VIC Asteroids, VIC Shuffle, Vicherman, Vicmen, Videomania, Wacky Waiters, Webster Dines Out, Whack, WhackE, Word Hunt, Xeno II, Yacht, Zac-man, Zapactris, Zig Zago

I have also fixed some issues in emulation of Sega Master Systems and GameGear, and added some games for both devices.

Dragonfire for Commodore VIC20

Galactic Abductors for Commodore VIC20


  1. It looks amazing, but is not working for me.
    Is there any tutorial or manpages?

  2. No, there is no manual or tutorial, its simple to use application. Just install and enjoy. If you experience an error, send me screenshot
