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Monday, March 7, 2022

Pantheon 11.296: 116 games for Sinclair ZX80/81

Sinclair ZX80/81 emulator now supports pseudo and true hi-res graphics. There are only a few games that use this two tricks to display hi-res graphics on Sinclair ZX80/81, but they look great. This release brings you 116 games for Sinclair ZX80/81 in total: 3-D Labyrinth, 3D Defender, 3D Monster Maze, Adventure into the Elephant's Graveyard, Air Attack, Amaze, Ambulance, Astral Convoy, Auto Chef, Barquitos, Battlestar Galactica, Bipods, Boliden, Booster, Break-Out, Casino 3, Casino Quickpoor, City Patrol, Clou, Cosmax, Cruzia, Dammen 16K, Dan's Revenge, Demolition, Digger 16K, Dodgem, Escape!, Family Quiz, Ferry Boat, Flipperkast, Frogger!!!, Galaktischer Angriff, Galaxians, Gloops, Gobang of Chinees Schaak, Golf, Gun Command, Guus Flater, Hangman!, Hunt the Wumpus, Intruder, Invaders!!!, Invasion Force, Kamel, Krazy Kong, Labyrinth, Laser Bases, Little Brick Out, Luner, Machine Code City, Madjump II, Mastermind!, Mazes, Mazogs, Memory!, Merchant, Micro Mouse Goes De-Bugging, Minefields, Missile Command, Monopoly, Munchy, Namtir Raiders, Olympiade!, Othello!, Pace, Panzer Schlacht, Pilot, Pinball Basic, Pit with Monsters, Protector, Raider, Ram Runner, Red Ants, Return of the Galaxians, Rock Crush, Rocket Man, Rubik Cube Simulator, Saurer Regen, Sea Wolf, Sinclair Snooker, Slot Machine!, Sorcerer's Island, Space Raid, Spider, SQ, Star Trek!, Starship Epsilon, StarFight, Starwars, Street Fighter, Submarine Strike, Swamp Fever & Lost in the Swamp, Tempest, The 84 Caves, The Damsel and the Beast, The Game of Puckman, The Knights Quest: Part 1, The Knights Quest: Part 2, The Knights Quest: Part 3, The Time Bandits, The U.S. Presidents Quiz, Torens van Hanoi, Trap, Trapped, Tuin der Angst, U.F.O., Vallende Sterren, Venture, Vier op een Rij, Viper, Wetter, Windmills, Wrace, Zombies!, ZX-Asteroids, ZX-Galaxians.

Guus Flater for Sinclair ZX80 and ZX81 (true hi-res graphics)

Micro Mouse Goes De-Bugging for Sinclair ZX80 and ZX81 (pseudo hi-res graphics)


  1. Can Pantheon play games other than the ones it can download - some of the new Indie games for example? Or is it restricted to the games it downloads through the Emulator? Keep up the great work on this project.

    1. Yes and no. There is no way to import games or something like that, but you can add more games by editing xml files (in Pantheon/XML folder). Its not hard, but i can't guarantee that they will work. My emulators are not 100%, and this new games use every trick possible.

      But I think its easier to use other emulators for this. Just download, open file and play.

    2. Thank you for the reply, enjoying your emulator so far and look forward to future versions ( I am guessing you want to include more consoles/computer systems in future updates? ). Great job on this so far!

    3. Thank you. Yes, i add at least one console or computer emulator each year, and around 1,000 games.
