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Monday, April 25, 2022

Pantheon 11.468: 172 games for Sinclair ZX Spectrum

This release brings you 172 for Sinclair ZX Spectrum: 100km Race, 3D Interceptor, 4-Minute Warning, 51, 911 TS, A Fistful of Necronomicons, A Shadow on Glass, Abyss, Ad Astra, Advesary, Ah Diddums, Aladdin's Cave, Alstrad, Antares, Apfel-Kobold, Aquaplane, Arkanods, Armageddon, Asteroids, Astral Invasion, Atlantis, Attack of the Empire, Autorennen, Awari, B.C. Bill, Backgammon, Ballblazer, Barrel Jump, Battle of Britain, Battle Ships, Beaky and the Egg Snatchers, Beebul, Bekstvo iz KPD Grljevca, Biljard, Bimbo, Black Jack, Black Jack!, BlockBusters, BlockBusters Goldrun, BMX Racers, Bomb Fusion, Bounce Panic, Boxing Manager, Boxing Manager II, Break-Out, Breakout, Broodslayer, Buriabeast, Camelot Warriors, Captain Slog, Castle Blackstar, Castle Quest, Caterpilla, Cederick, Championship Darts, Chimera, City Bomber, Civil Service, Civil Service II, Clock Chess '89, Coco-nut, Computer Scrabble, Cosmic Raiders, Cotton ZX, Crawler, Crazy Pingoin, Crime Busters, Cruise Attack, Crystal Quest, Cybo-Run, Dame, Dandy, Dark Strengths, Dawnssley, De-Fusion, Death Star, Deflektor, Devil Diver, Dickie Diver, Disco Dan, Doc the Destroyer, Domine, Domino's, Dotty, Dr. Jekyll vs Mr. Hyde, Dragonsbane, Draughts, Dustman, Dynatron Mission, Earth Shaker, Eddie Kidd Jump Challenge, Eliminator, Enchanted, Escape from Krakatoa, Escape from Shire, Evening Star, Eye, Factory Breakout, Fantasia, Fido, Fido II:Puppy Power, Fire Hawks, Flash Beer, Flash Beer 2, Flash Beer 3, Flip Flap, Football Manager 2, Football Manager 3, Fortress of Keler, Frog Hopper, Froglets, Fruit 2000, Fruit 2010, Fruity, Galactic Gunners, Galactic Raiders, Galaxians, Game Screen I, Game Screens II, Gemelos, Ghost Castle, Ghost Castle 2, Glider, Gobbleman, Gobbler, Goldwood, Gotcha, Grand Prix Tennis, Green Door, Gridrunner, Gyroscope, Gyroscope II, Hacker, Halaga, Harry Goes Home, Heavy on the Magick, Hercules, Hi-Q-Quiz, Highrise Harry, Hobgoblin, House of Orion, Howzat, Hubert, Hunchy, Hyperbowl, I Ain't Got Nobody, Ian's Night Out, Impact, Impact!, Incredible Adventure, Inspector Gadget and the Circus of Fear, Into Africa, Invincible Island, Italian Supercar, Jack and the Beanstalk, Jangler, Jet Set Willy, Jet Set Willy: A Bulgarian Requiem, Jocky Wilson's Compendium of Darts, Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge, Joust, Jumping Jack, Jungle Jie, Kaboom!, Kemshu, Kidnapped, KinderComp, King Tut's Treasure, Kljuc, Knight Rider, Komplex, Krakout. Enjoy!

Deflektor for Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Komplex for Sinclair ZX Spectrum


  1. MalwareBytes Browser Guard is detecting the Pantheon download link as suspicious content.

    1. Yes, i've heard that. Don't worry, its safe.
